07/03/10 09:44:08 JJggG7l0
>>899 I added you as my friend....:)
07/03/10 21:32:31 l3UGqO8+
Hallo Jim-san.
I have to ask one question.
A bad reply is not deleted.
It occurred in /ascii2d/ and /erocg/.
A lot of painters are embarrassed.
(Your picture is unskilled.)
(The rough sketch is unnecessary.)
(Your picture is feelings bad.)
(You must not come here.)
The picture is suitable for the outline of the thread.
In the PINK channel, do not contribute when the picture is unskilled?
I want you to protect painters as much as megami.
902:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/11 10:04:25 NNF4RuoA
I am sorry that painters are embarrassed. Critics are the ones that criticize
instead of doing something constructive.
07/03/11 12:24:33 ttNMCsCW
I understand critic's feelings.
But, they say that the painter is expelled from here.
It is every day.
His writing violates the GUIDELINE(4&5).
“The artist is expelled”, can entry be deleted?
At least, we want saying, that the artist is not expelled.
904:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/11 15:39:01 NNF4RuoA
The artist is not expelled.
I am sure it can be deleted if is breaking the local rules.
Please follow the procedures set in place here.
Please check this and follow the steps and I am sure someone will help you.
07/03/11 16:40:08 ttNMCsCW
Thank you Jim-san.
I say there and follow a procedure.
906: ◆DQN/9/VVV.
07/03/11 22:20:21 wj/cHXCq
_ Jim-san!!
( ゚∀゚)∩<Thank you for the friend's adding me.
907:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/12 09:49:56 +Df1EBpw
You are welcome....:) It is very fun to have a blog now. I hope more of
our volunteers will help us beta test it.
Coming next:
bookmark section
Image add
and some other ways to personalize
Lets have fun!
07/03/14 01:49:33 OkDal91A
Hallo Jim-san.
I speak the matter of >>901>>903.
I followed a procedure for the deletion of these Res.
07/03/14 01:50:26 OkDal91A
It is difficult to translate everything. Being here a little just just.
>>If it is a hated picture, it only has to disregard it.
No. When Mr.Gyakugire is accepted, a large amount of unskilled pictures are up-
Say, "I drew a lot of pictures, and want some comments".
It is the best to drive out Mr.Gyakugire.
I say to Mr.Gyakugire.
"You may not come here ahead. "
It is necessary to rouse attention to an unskilled painter regularly.
There is a good painter when they are other threads, and an unskilled painter
refrains from up-loading in the place.
He notices an unskilled thing.
A good person is a little, and, therefore, he becomes arrogant this thread.
There is no unskilled painter like him in other threads.
Mr.Gyakugire is a nickname that he applied.
It is a meaning of painter who was unjustly angry.
07/03/14 01:52:07 OkDal91A
Deretar of the PINK channel was said.
"Is that rule violation."
"But it is portion of conversation."(There is an answering person.)
"It is necessary to endure a few problems. "
I think it is malignant apart from a usual criticism this time.
It was not possible to delete it.
I am regrettable in being not able the enjoyment of one rainbow(=2DCG).
911:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/14 18:25:41 u+fBzNhq
I have an idea. How about you help me with our new blog. You could write
about your feelings for this subject on that blog, and also ask the critic
to make his own blog to explain why he is being a jerk.
You can see my blog here. It is starting to work pretty good as we add
functions to it.
07/03/15 00:10:04 eIG4rSVm
The problem was lost now.
The painter stopped staying, also the critic stopped staying.
It is too late even if it deletes it.
I am not good at English.
It seems to be difficult to explain detailed circumstances.
Moreover, when the problem occurs, the blog will be written perhaps.
I want to do Jim-san and a happy conversation as follows if possible.
Thank you.
913:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/15 07:38:02 v80i5FSF
I am sorry to see an unhappy end to that. Artists are fragile souls
07/03/20 22:51:12 FF6HAP1E
when will you make down-load system on video-movie.com?
I've been waiting for long time.
it's good idea and very convenience I think.
also it's good for your business.
please remember, and I love bodyshots girls!!
915:月 ◆NOTE.jsX3.
07/03/23 07:10:36 3v1jaO84
I'm sorry.
It becomes impossible to have continued those who deleted it in the
I wish to express my gratitude deeply for the thing that is indebted
up to now.
Thank you!
916:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/23 14:31:41 N4eJdPds
>>914 That is a good idea. Maybe a download whole DVD site?
I love the Bodyshots girls too.
917:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/23 14:36:07 N4eJdPds
I am sorry to hear that, I am very happy for what you have done.
I hope that things can get better for you in the future.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
07/03/23 23:57:07 k2QfEM3i
Dear Jim san.
It is already too late when there is such writing.
The one necessary to avoid such a situation: When something is noticed, the thing is spoken in
your word.
A new story starts there.
07/03/24 00:52:06 ns8csRkG
Yes, I want to down-load whole DVD's.
I want to buy them but I don't want to wait until arrive to home.
So, Mr,Jim really really make it please!!
07/03/25 09:28:18 dVNkSXXx
Jim-san, please learn Japanese culture.
07/03/26 01:39:31 f3Sisy+g
sakura03 is down.
ReBoot plz.
922:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
07/03/27 21:17:07 pmpxRUCq
>>919 We made that system several years ago and almost nobody used it.
Supermegapink was the system and it worked wonderfully.
The crack staff at pie took care of that while I was out in the jungle.
07/04/06 11:03:15 1yVZp7Hw
How long are your manhood?
07/04/06 22:30:14 tV2jCOf9
Hi, Jim-San. How are you?
Japan greets a season of cherry-blossom viewing soon. But snow is still left in the area where I live in. :-(
There is a thing of provider regulation in 2ch.
I cannot contribute it when I fall into this till a provider copes. But there is the provider which never copes inside.
In such a case I remove it when I apply by one month.-
May you apply this rule to PINKch?
Because it is machine translation, I'm sorry if there is the part which does not make sense.
in Japanese
07/04/06 23:18:56 UePcvcIQ
07/04/07 01:24:30 sSFaCgfG
We live in LeafKey-Board.
We are made to embarrass by AnonymousDeleter ★.
AnonymousDeleter ★ frequently does a selfish Deletion.
He did not obey ◆79EROOYuCc's instruction.
Anonymous Deleter ★ caused a similar problem many times.
He has caused the acute problem three times or more up to now.
We are frightened to AnonymousDeleter ★'s oppression.
However, ◆79EROOYuCc doesn't dismiss him.
We hope to order to ◆79EROOYuCc to dismiss AnonymousDeleter ★.
927:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/09 08:29:45
I thought it was long enough, but I keep getting emails to make it longer.
I wish they would stop coming....;)
928:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/09 08:32:40
Yes I saw the Sakura at Narita airport a week ago. I wish I could have stayed longer
but I saw them when I was transfering airplanes....:)
Actually my first time to see them in Japan.
Some providers do not answer at all. I have even telephoned some
but no answer. I think the one your are complaining about might even
have a non working phone number.
929:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/09 08:34:42
Is there a part of the wiki that might pertain to this?
930:Anonymous Deleter ★
07/04/11 01:21:54
I am a resident from outbreak of a leaf-key board.
I understood the fact of a leaf-key board and kept deletion activity along it in mind.
However, 79 declares a stop of a deletion act as there is not a clear reason
and is not going to answer a request of repeated cancellation either.
May you talk with 79 once?
07/04/11 08:19:06 nsZw08Vn
The reason of stop of deletion in leaf-key board is Anonymous Deleter ★'s arbitrary deletion.
Jim-san, I think you should not let someone to delete if he/she says
"I understood the fact of a leaf-key board and kept deletion activity along it in mind."
because, who say like this always do delition for own desire
so, the board become more confusing
932:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/11 13:04:33
I will discuss this with 79
By the way would you guys please try my new blog? I need some more testers
for it before we release it in Japanese.
07/04/11 13:30:44 tBKvlFpj
934:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/11 16:11:25
I have thought about it a lot and I really want it to be blog.bbspink.com
it is exactly for bbspink users. I am happy that we are making it.
And I am having much fun testing it.
07/04/14 14:02:32 a0LCXnqa
新しい kako log Server(RAID5 1.5TB) ってどうなってるんでしょう?
koko log の html への変換も再開してほしいです。
936:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/15 04:25:31
What a nice idea.
07/04/15 13:52:53 uRUu+w3e
What a fantastic night.
938:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
07/04/16 02:02:08
Please tell me about your night. I would love to hear about a fantastic night.