14/03/07 21:41:15.12 g5DsVsn2
Hi. jim-san. Do you know a summary site called "hamster breaking"?
It is a site that previously had been prohibited from being appointed
by name to Hiroyuki summarizes the 2ch.
After that, I had been working collectively a comment which stuck to their site there,
but today, I started a reprint of the channel to open at last.
They summarizing management people will dyno immediately toward the smell of money is.
If, after that ambiguous with respect to all rights reserved,
you will run out vandalism than ever before the 2ch They definitely.
It should also has a significant effect on earnings management in the future.
So, I think it is best to strictly respect all rights reserved.
I think you also either very much,
I am happy when you can be conscious about it, please.