Let's talk with Jim-san. Part25at EROBBSLet's talk with Jim-san. Part25 - 暇つぶし2ch■コピペモード□スレを通常表示□オプションモード□このスレッドのURL■項目テキスト500:名無し編集部員 14/02/23 16:21:47.39 K4UUHXIG >>497 書き込み数落ちてるのはもしもし規制もあるんじゃないの 501:名無し編集部員 14/02/23 16:22:05.97 Bsndxi92 >>499 No what problem ? 502:名無し編集部員 14/02/23 16:22:28.70 99xcupWl http://www.bunka.go.jp/jiyuriyo/image/ok_copy.jpg ↑This icon means "copy free"(Limited to those that have not been modified) http://www.bunka.go.jp/jiyuriyo/image/ok_handicap.jpg ↑This icon means "copy free. but Limited for handicaps. http://www.bunka.go.jp/jiyuriyo/image/ok_education.jpg ↑This icon means "copy free. but Limited for educations. I think No2 and 3 are OK. But, No.1 might be dangerous. How do you think this ? 503:名無し編集部員 14/02/23 16:23:18.84 AzM8f85K >>497 How can you prove your comment? Why can you state that affilicate broght nre comers to 2ch? 次ページ最新レス表示レスジャンプ類似スレ一覧スレッドの検索話題のニュースおまかせリストオプションしおりを挟むスレッドに書込スレッドの一覧暇つぶし2ch