14/02/23 16:13:04.12 AzM8f85K
Translation of >>113
I agree to ban affiliate.
VIP board is terrible because many accompanies of the affiliate make a lot of postings in purpose of their interests.
Especially, a kind of Sonic-Sokuhou or Kini-Soku is doing this shit.
As you said, this is a shit brought 2ch by previous UNEI team.
I however think there was a good thing brought by the previous UNEI, that there was a fact the affiliates bring a lot of new comers to 2ch.
You know, if no new comers join to 2ch, the community of 2ch would go to its sunset.
For example, there was a board called Lounge in 2ch.
Several years ago, the circumstance leading to decrease new comers was happen to the Lounge. And this led to a sunset for the Lounge board.
I wanna emphasise that Hiroyuki's storategy attracting new comer to 2ch was excellent.
How do you think about this fact, Jim-san?