14/02/22 15:25:47.93
Okay I found out what the "special server" is doing.
It has a redis nosql server running.
The server is storing the data of every ninja ID and it's IP address.
The data looks like this (I have censored this person's IP and ninja ID):
1393050109.683551 (db 3) "SELECT" "3"
1393050109.683616 (db 3) "EXISTS" "Dfamicom1111111111111111"
1393050109.683686 (db 2) "SELECT" "2"
1393050109.683749 (db 2) "EXISTS" "111.87.58.xxx"
1393050109.683818 (db 2) "SADD" "111.87.58.xxx" "Dfamicom111111111111111"
1393050109.683889 (db 2) "EXPIRE" "111.87.58.xxx" "3600"
1393050109.718603 "AUTH" "foobared"