Let's talk with Jim-san. Part18at EROBBSLet's talk with Jim-san. Part18 - 暇つぶし2ch■コピペモード□スレを通常表示□オプションモード□このスレッドのURL■項目テキスト450: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc 11/06/04 23:32:29.13 JmRBovs0 This is the coolest computer I have seen in a long time. http://www.asus.com/Eee/Eee_Pad/Eee_Pad_Transformer_TF101/#specifications 451:無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc 11/06/06 14:37:44.10 G4Lbb3Zu This is a very cool service. URL shortening. Can't make frosting without it. http://9ch.net/Kn Try it here. http://9ch.net/ 452: ◆BBSPINKAys 11/06/09 07:47:36.85 Zq4nP1c/ Good morning Jim-san. 453: 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc 11/06/09 19:34:28.54 aaa46QAH 私の靴はすり減っている。 454: ◆ERO/DUMPAE 11/06/15 13:49:14.39 IyVAZfMT Dear JIM I want I write in it, and JIM to carry out regulation. This URL contribution writes in an affiliate of the advertising many times. http://kilauea.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pub/1307447754/155 When I arrive, about this IP address that I wrote, please regulate it in JIM. Thanking you in advance. 次ページ最新レス表示レスジャンプ類似スレ一覧スレッドの検索話題のニュースおまかせリストオプションしおりを挟むスレッドに書込スレッドの一覧暇つぶし2ch