【荒し】p2.2ch.netについて考えるスレ【野放し】at EROBBS
【荒し】p2.2ch.netについて考えるスレ【野放し】 - 暇つぶし2ch268:vip0010.maido3.net
10/06/03 00:26:14 lN46SYVY
>>260 I'll add the note to >>257 questions for your clarification.

>>257 translation
From the information Jim-san provided, I think it will be regulalated
by host name "maido3.net" instead of BBQing the individual IP address.

 [translator's note: as Jim-san's previous announce "Rarely, it is a long lease."
 is not enough. For example, Japanese provider KDDI once said to 2ch "the
 IP address which host name ends with "bb-dion.ne.jp" host name is rarely changes
 (changes when unpublicized rare special case) and please consider and handle(BBQ)
 it as a static IP address." 2ch rejected saying "static IP address" is a fixed address and NEVER
 changes. If there is a possiblity of a change even in the slightest, it will be
 treated as dynamic address host name regulation instead of BBQ to block the vandal.]

If the VPN user vandalize 2ch/PINK, is the VPN contract to be voided?
And are there protocols which prevents the vandal from getting VPN account
again with same credit card number?

 [note: for the vandals who got VPN account for vandalism, he may try to get
 another VPN account with the same credit card when the account is regulated]

If Jim-san re-announce "IP address is static(never ever change) for each VPN contractor,
2ch regulation will be done with BBQ proccess instead of host name regulation. But
same problems noted above remains. A vandal quit a VPN account after regulation and
re-contract for a different IP address with same credit card continues, or many different
vandals use them and BBQ has done to those addresses, it will run out IP address with non-BBQed
in the end.

 [note:BBQ regulation is a permanent and it won't be lifted even if the vandals quit
 contract with his provider]
