06/07/22 21:32:42 veTRz3Ws0
>Is all services of youtube more charged than that of October or I will do.
>It becomes such a situation and goodness or more ..passing.. .
>because it has become the result of putting a large trouble on the
> user by the falsification of an increase in the maintenance time and the core system of youtube though the reinforcement cost of the server enters the state not
>overtaken because of a rapid increase in the number of accesses and the number of video previews, and ..youtube.. measures were taken.
>Moreover, it encounters hacking and cyber terrorism, etc. from each country of Asia such as China, and there is no cost of the security improvement any longer.
>It wishes suitably in the future though it troubles you.
>それはそのような状況と善良かその他になります。通過。 . そしてもっとも、維持時間増加の改竄で大きい問題をユーザに置くという結果とyoutubeのコア・システムになったので、