04/11/21 23:47:23
S2 Setup
JDK 1.4 or later is required to use S2. It is confirmed to work
correctly with Eclipse 3.
Import into Eclipse "seasar2" directory which is extracted from
The files listed below are required to be in the CLASSPATH
in order to use Seasar2's fundamental functions like S2Container
and S2AOP.
To use the S2 extensions(S2JTA, S2DBCP, S2JDBC, S2Unit, S2Tx,
S2DataSet), additional files are required:
HSQLDB is distributed with S2 for your testing which needs
database functions. Before running your code including database
access, HSQLDB must be started. To start HSQLDB, double click
"bin/runHsqldb.bat".(on Windows) "lib/hsqldb.jar" is required
only in case using HSQLDB.
Oracle can be used to demonstrate S2 functions for database
access. "sql/demo-oracle.sql" is in the distribution.
After executing the sql statements with SQL*Plus or another
tools, rewrite XADataSourceImpl settings in "j2ee.dicon" to
match your environment.