10/03/10 16:33:45 DAkY5U370
7-Zip Theme Manager 2.0 が出てたよ↓
- 64-Bit support
- possibility to change SFX-icon (Button in main menu)
- progress bar while patching
- improved Filetype Theme activivation procedure
- 30 new Toolbar Themes
- new Filetype Themes
- various small bugs fixed
- A very few people reported that they are unable to open archives with 7-Zip 64-Bit ("Can not open file XY as an archive.") after activation of a Filetype Theme. In this case please update 7-Zip to version 9.10.
If this doesn´t help please write me an e-mail (see FAQ #1).
- on Windows XP and Server 2003 the desktop-icons will be rearranged while activating a Filetype-Theme.