09/03/10 20:28:09 sH1FRD4X0
質問5 投稿者:godisgood00000009 / 評価:新規
3月 10日 10時 12分
Dear Seller, I'm Miss Yau Liza from Japan presently in USA.I'm highly interested in purchasing your item placed on YAHOO AUCTION for my Cousin
who his schooling in Nigeria as a Final Year Graduation Gift.I will offer you US$2,500 the price for this item + shipping through EMS for it urgently needed ,
and i will like to know how many pieces you have available for sale.Payment will be made through Bank To Bank Transfer
(Direct transfer to your bank account). I want you to reply me to my personal E-mail for further conversation via:-(missyauliza@aol.com)Thanks & GOD Bless You..
3月 10日 20時 24分
Say hello to your sweet GOD.
09/03/11 09:19:12 TmDB/MBp0
質問1 投稿者:dad***** / 評価:新規
3月 10日 21時 10分
Hello Seller, I'm Mr Yang Liang from Alberta i like to purchase your item t
3月 10日 21時 38分
09/03/11 15:51:19 icIuXVwxO
09/03/11 20:54:47 LR4jAL0X0
質問6 投稿者:dadasola119 / 評価:新規
3月 10日 22時 2分
Hello Seller, I'm Mr Yang Liang from Alberta i like to purchase your item to Nigeria and i will like to know how many of this item
you have and i will like to offer you the sum of $1,000:00USDollar per each for the item and i will also like you to contact me back to my personal Email box
(yangliang789@hotmail.com) and also send me your full bank details for the payment of the money to your account Account Name..Account Number..Bank Name & Address.. Item Name.. Email Address.. Thanks.
3月 10日 23時 17分
Are you kidding, right ? 1000 USD are very cheap, you should pay more than 2000 USD.
EMS SPEED POST is very high charges since you should pay 20000 dallars per one PS3. I think, you askedequal you should pay, you must pay
22000 USD by Paypal A.S.A.P If you ignore it, you will be under the japanese jail for rest of your life.
09/03/12 03:03:49 m3Se9UpOO
09/03/13 15:47:28 jneY4XBm0
投稿者:md1543668 / 評価:新規
Good Day I am Mark David From Canada i am highly interested in buying your item for my son as a gift is this item still available
let me know I will offer $2,500USD for 1 set of the item + the shipment of the item via EMS AIRMAIL i will be waiting for you reply mail in my private email md1543668@gmail.com
09/03/14 02:55:57 X4S4OhCI0
09/03/14 10:16:48 VwcJmVnjO