08/04/12 22:17:51 sWUjj2Dz
----- Vistaのシェアはわずか6.93% -----
2008年3月末でのトップシェアはWindows XPで78.78%で依然として圧倒的なシェア。
This report was generated 03/31/2008 based on the last 22,126,917 unique visits
to all tracked websites at that time.
W3Counter's sample currently includes 8,406 websites. The last 25,000 page views
to each website are analyzed to identify unique visits. Some visits may occur
before the month of the report.
1 Windows XP 78.78%
2 Windows Vista 6.93%
3 Mac OS X 4.91%
4 Windows 2000 3.20%
5 Linux 2.02%