07/08/26 03:35:51
ESS / ESET Antivirus beta 2 available (Wilders Security Forums,07/8/23)
(ESS/ESET Antivirus パブリックベータ 2 リリース)
Eset Smart Security beta 2 contains the following changes:(Beta1からの変更点)
? The graphical user interface has been rebuilt.(UIを再構築)
? Installers for Windows XP/2003/Vista x64 are now available(XP、2003、Vistaの64ビット版に対応).
? Files and folders can now be scanned from the explorer's context menu.(ファイルとフォルダを右クリックスキャン可能にした)
? Various bugs have been fixed. (様々なバグを修正)
? Creation of update mirrored files is now supported.
The mirror settings are available in the advanced update setup.
For update via HTTP you can now choose the desired authentication method.
? A plugin for Outlook Express and Windows Mail now enables filtering unsolicited email in these mail clients.
(Outlook ExpressとWindows Mailのアンチスパムプラグインを追加)
Please remember that this is still a BETA which may suffer from severe bugs. We do not recommend installing it on production systems.