07/08/02 17:33:57
772 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2007/08/02(木) 08:53:59
AOL Active Virus Shield終了
We're Sorry!
(ごめんお( ^ω^))
AOLRActive Virus Shield is no longer available.
(AVSはもう使えないお( ^ω^))
Looking for protection from viruses, spyware and hackers?
(代わりがいるかい?( ^ω^))
We are now offering McAfeeR Virus Scan Plus-Special edition from AOL
.(だったら、マカフィーのAOL無料スペシャルバージョンを使うといいお( ^ω^))
Please visit AOLR Internet Security Central to find the most comprehensive FREE set of safety tools available to help keep you, your family, and your PC safer from online threats.
AOL AVS is dead - Now powered by McAfee