10/01/20 13:35:59 nyuY8dGi
確かにmplayerのfaad2のsyntax.cによると↓のようだから 困ったちゃんなのは間違いない
>/* Table 4.4.2 */
>/* An MPEG-4 Audio decoder is only required to follow the Program
> Configuration Element in GASpecificConfig(). The decoder shall ignore
> any Program Configuration Elements that may occur in raw data blocks.
> PCEs transmitted in raw data blocks cannot be used to convey decoder
> configuration information.
>static uint8_t program_config_element(program_config *pce, bitfile *ld)
> case ID_PCE:
> /* 14496-4: */
> /* program_configuration_element()'s in access units shall be ig
nored */
> program_config_element(pce, ld);
> //if ((hInfo->error = program_config_element(pce, ld)) > 0)
> // return;
> //hDecoder->pce_set = 1;
> break;
となってるから コメント部分と入れ替えたら動いたりして;)