07/05/13 22:03:18 VpjyRMS0
Mitsubishi 《相棒 これは終局じゃない ここから全てが始まる 分かるな》
It's not over, buddy. This is where it all starts. You know what I'm talking about, right?
Mitsubishi 《戦いに慈悲はない 生きる企業と死ぬ企業がいる それが全てだ》
There is no mercy in battle. Enterprise live and Enterprise die. That's all there is to it.
Mitsubishi 《このVISEOで全てを『ゼロ』に戻し BenQに未来を託そう》
Let's start all over from "ZERO" with this VISEO and trust the future to BenQ
This is AWACS! Listen up, NANAO!
AWACS 《敵機体の解析が完了した コード名は 『MDT241WG』》
We've completed the analysis of enemy craft. Codenamed "MDT241WG"
AWACS 《この機体はスクエニ防御システムで護られている》
This plane is protected by SUQENI defense system.
AWACS 《唯一の弱点はGlare panelだ》
Its only weakpoint is Glare panel.