統一教会が政治にここまでかかわってたのやばくね2at X3
統一教会が政治にここまでかかわってたのやばくね2 - 暇つぶし2ch144:通常の名無しさんの3倍
23/02/22 17:25:53.05 jVehc44K0.net
>Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
>>"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
>Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
>Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
>Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
>Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
>Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
>Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
>"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
>Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
>Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
>"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
>Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
>Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?

"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.

23/02/22 17:31:37.34 jVehc44K0.net
・・・Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?

23/02/22 17:56:09.17 lQuJFgGf0.net
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
──Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
 .  .

23/02/22 17:57:01.55 lQuJFgGf0.net
=Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . . ..

23/02/22 17:57:44.80 lQuJFgGf0.net
/|/|Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . .

23/02/22 17:58:36.80 lQuJFgGf0.net
""Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?

23/02/22 17:59:19.09 lQuJFgGf0.net
ZZa?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . . . .

23/02/23 09:38:18.65 mKLK+b/K0.net
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”
On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,

23/02/23 09:41:24.23 mKLK+b/K0.net
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”
On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).

23/02/23 09:41:52.93 mKLK+b/K0.net
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.

23/02/23 09:43:14.87 mKLK+b/K0.net
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”
On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim

23/02/23 09:43:53.59 mKLK+b/K0.net
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”
On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim

23/02/23 10:32:13.14 sI3eiK4d0.net

23/02/23 11:04:17.10 7bq7bt0Z0.net
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:04:58.75 7bq7bt0Z0.net
*Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:05:51.91 7bq7bt0Z0.net
-Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:06:39.78 7bq7bt0Z0.net
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:08:05.44 7bq7bt0Z0.net
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:08:51.02 7bq7bt0Z0.net
─Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:14:25.01 7bq7bt0Z0.net
"Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

23/02/23 11:15:35.37 7bq7bt0Z0.net
[Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
