18/05/05 19:53:29.22 f762c0vY0.net
“I'm sorry, this was left,”Minister of Finance gave the document which Kamiwaki requested on the day before November 22.
Mitsuru Ota, conservative chief of the bureau said “I did not notice the existance of that document・・”
According to Board of Audit Law,if we find any dishonest response,we have right to request disposal and we are convinced that they will concern disposal. ”
The basis of the Board of Audit is Article 90 of the Constitution.
It says “The income and expenditure of the annual country must be investigated thoroughly by the Board of Audit. ”
“I did not notice.I am sorry.Hahaha.”
Minister of Finance who is responsible for our national wallet is not allowed to be like that.
Iwakami “It's a violation of the Constitution !?”
Rep Tatsumi“Is that a part of the story ?”
Rep Tatsumi “It is after April of the last year that they did an audit.The conservative chief of the bureau who went to the Kinki Finance Bureau for the practical inspection is Nobuhisa Sagawa.
It is necessary to explain in the Diet that Sagawa made a violation of the Constitution.
Why they did not notice ?”
Iwakami “They were appointed by Shinzo Abe,summons of a witness is necessary for Shinzo Abe as well. ”
Rep Tatsumi“In the last Diet,Taro Yamamoto asked a question at an interesting point of view.
The Prime Minister called Kagoike “a liar ”so many times,that the Prime Minister himself should inspect thoroughly whether he was a false witness.It does make sense.”
Iwakami “I hope Akie-san owes a risk to agree.”
Rep Tatsumi
“Possibly Akie may want to attend the Diet.People around her may not let her do so.
With her personality,it is easy to expect that the country and government side control her.”