むるおか応援スレパート32at PACHI
- 暇つぶし2ch638:ost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^) Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^) Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/ Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/ Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/ Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/ Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/ Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/