Dead by daylight Part192【IP無】at GAMEF
Dead by daylight Part192【IP無】 - 暇つぶし2ch309:UnnamedPlayer
18/05/11 14:28:35.41
Why is The Hag’s speed at 110% unlike Trapper’s whose at 115% and also the Killer who has almost the same function of traps, just why in general?
Design team answer
She is slower because she has the possibility of closing the gap with teleports. That was the initial intent.
Trapper has to walk to his traps as well as placing them. It's a different playstyle.

Q バランス調整の対象となっているキラーを教えてください。
Which killer(s) do you think require balance changes at the moment, because you think they aren't quite in the right spot at the current state of the game?
A (個別のキラーではない)バランス調整によって改善されていくと考えています。プレイヤーからはフレディとハグのリワーク要望が出ていることは把握しています。
Design team answer
We think they would all benefit from design and Quality of life improvements! We know that the Community has been asking a lot about Freddy and Hag.
Q ピッグの罠解除のスキルチェックにララバイが乗らないのは仕様ですか?
Since I don't see the comment anywhere.
Someone recently made a post about how huntress lullaby doesn't work when searching for a key when you have a reverse bear trap on is this intended or a bug?
A ララバイはジグソウボックスのスキルチェックに置いても発動するべきだと考えています。パーク説明に「全てのスキルチェック」と書かれていますので。
Design team answer
Right now the perk description says Survivors receive a 2/4/6 % regression penalty when missing any Skill Check. We agree that it should be affecting the Jigsaw boxes.
Q 意訳:三人以下の場合はゲームを開始せずロビーに戻してください。
Is there anyway to make if only three survivors or less loaded into a game, to just kick everyone back to the lobby, and not lose any add-ons/ offerings from either sides?
A 3人以下の場合の仕様について検討中です。併せて、3人以下開始にならないように技術的見地からも対応しています。
Our Design team is aware of the issue and is looking into what the game should do if it loads with 1-2-3 survivors. On a technical side, they are also looking in ways to prevent this from happening.
Q (先週の生放送によると)トラッパーのアドオンがリワーク中であるとのことですが、他のキラーのものはどうなっているでしょうか?
We already know that trapper's add-ons are seeing a rework, can you tell us some other killer add-ons that are getting reworked, if any?
A 意訳:生放送で言及した修正については、時期も内容も未定です。現時点でアドオンリワークの議題に上がってるものは沢山あります。
Design team answer
We were having a dialogue on addons in the last Dev stream. We do not know how (full addon pass or little by little
