Dead by daylight Part192【IP無】at GAMEF
Dead by daylight Part192【IP無】 - 暇つぶし2ch308:UnnamedPlayer
18/05/11 14:27:27.17
Q 意訳: リザルト画面で鳥瞰図&試合レコードを実装しませんか?
Are there any plans on giving us a type of minimap or birds-eye view of the match at the end screen where we can see the paths each survivor and the killer took in that match?
It would be really cool to see how close you were to the survivors as the killer without realizing and in general it would be a fun feature.
A いいですね!
Design team answer
This is a cool idea!
Q BP二倍やる?
Will we ever get a Double BloodPoints Weekend again ?
A やりますよ(但しいつとは言っていない)
Q キラー視点のトーテムオーラを見やすいものに変えてください
Please change the color of the totem outlines in the killer FOV.
A 黄色に変更する予定です。最終的にはオーラの色をオプションで変更できるようにしたいです。
Design team answer
Yes we would like to change it to yellow to help visibility. And eventually have different options for aura colors.
Hi dev team, I would like to ask if the community translation forums on steam are being checked by the devs, because I want to offer my help in getting DBD translated to Greek
Sent your contact to Andy, he handles Community translators!
Q 意訳:版権キラーの修正に関しては、どの程度のものが許可されてますか?ドクターみたいな大規模リワークは可能?
How much say do the license holders have when it comes to killer mechanics? For example if you decided you want to rework Freddy and add in laser vision would you be stopped?
Perhaps on a less extreme level,
if you wanted to change Myers/Pig/Leather Face/Freddy in a similar style to how you reworked The Doctor would you be unable to do so without consulting the original holders?
A ブランドイメージを崩さない限りにおいて、パーク/アドオン/能力の修正が許可されています。提案した変更がこじつけなら(例:Laser Freddy)リテイクとなります。
Creative Director answer
We can change perks / addons / power as long as it still fits their brand.
If the change we are proposing is too farfetched for the Brand (For example, Laser Freddy) they would probably object and we would have to look at it again.
Q ロビーが3人までしか埋まらない問題はどの程度把握されてますか?
You said a while back that you had fixed the 3-man lobby issue, but I still see it constantly. Are you aware of this issue?
A 現在対応中です。
We are aware of the issue and we have devs working on it.
Thank you for your report!
Q 意訳:マップの見直しをお願いします。無限ループ、地下無し固有の安全地帯化、トンプソン固有の階段封鎖など。
Would you consider looking at these maps for the following reasons:
Haddonfield: Insanely loopable, lots of pallets, extremely safe for survs at all times.
Badham: If basement isn't in boiler room it's a god-spot.
Thompson House: The balcony has a god-spot, also only 1 way down meaning killer can hold the game hostage by standing there.
Fractured Cowshed: Essentially an infinite
Wretched Shop: Essentially an infinite
Map design answer
Badham: Looking to add a hook spawn if the basement isn't there.
Thompson house god spot and choke point : Looking into that issue, it's the same issue we have for choke points in the basement.
Fracture Cowshed / Wretched Shop : A window fix pass needs to be done.
