17/06/03 19:46:45.69 ctZU3DjN0.net
1. when 2017/06/02(金) 01:47:40.10 ID:CAP_USER9
2. who ニライカナイφ ★
3. title 【話題】食べると男性の75%、女性の85%が変な夢を見るチーズ「スティルトン」を食べてみた [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
4. url スレリンク(newsplus板)
5. rule that he/she viorated(何に違反しているのか) 誰かが何か言った系の典型 ニュース性なし またアップローダー使用なめてんのか
6. tell me your purpose (貴方の目的) to keep the quality of the board. 2ch might be fight with the holder of copyrights on court. this article was violated with copyrights of the original graphics.
In japan , copyrights of graphics are very strong , so 2ch must be lose at court.
if 2ch do not BAN the writer(who the above) , it will violate again and again. i hope long live 2ch, but the who will kill 2ch soon at thia rate.