【+板】編集長drunkerさんと社説+で話そう★53at EDITORIALPLUS
【+板】編集長drunkerさんと社説+で話そう★53 - 暇つぶし2ch347: [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! ◆Akina/PPII [US]
16/11/17 20:09:21.69 WiG2NHx/0?2BP(1000)
domestic violence. Violence against children and wives occurs frequently in my country.
Considering the causes, causal relationships and so forth in one way, you can find common similarities in as many places as you can affirm.
That means that it is a working class, working in poor people, especially low-wage unemployment stable.
Broad family disasters are also one of the causes, but that is not a direct cause, if it says, it is only one indirect cause. In other words, as a secondary
result created by poverty and unstable employment,
There are many cases that the so-called following order has passed.
1 "Immoral ethical corruption caused by decadent action even in the mental and physical health aspects of individuals"
2 "Social isolation, isolation in the family, psychological disorder that it may bring and mental illness (including neurosis)"
3 "Family inadequacy"
4 "Home discord"
5 "My husband and my wife failed"
Through such order, the incompetent fellowship between husband and wife headed for children,
6 "There are many cases involving violence against children, (sometimes with violence against wives and children at the same time, murder")
I do not remember listening to memorable events or incidents that are said to have caused such affair and story of tragedy by people with wealthy people
and stable occupations.
We think that it is a kind of incident caused by social poverty and social isolation, a human being who can not adapt to it.
Of course, exceptions do not have the idea to overstate what can happen in any case.
It is only one observation result led by private opinion and consideration to the last point, on that point, consideration
Please read.
In families and societies where there is no social oppression or poverty, it is an idea based on the experience
that I have never heard of such a violent incident so much, both the art and theory to prove it I do not have it. In other words, it is probably a fact that it
is due to the change in social ways, although it does not hold at the moment, as long as it is a solution, in particular, a direct solution as much as possible,
etc. .
