【5倍以上】Zwiftスレ16【5倍未満】at BICYCLE
- 暇つぶし2ch345:meter, we recommend that you zero or calibrate your PRECISION Powermeter at the beginning of your ride. If your bike has been stored at a very different temperature than what you are riding in, say from a hot car or garage to the cool outdoors, you should give your bike a few minutes to reach riding temperature and zero or calibrate your powermeter. たしかに4iiiiの公式FAQだと乗る前にゼロ点校正推奨、 暖かい車内や室内から冷たい屋外に出した(温度がかなり異なる)場合は数分待ってからゼロ点校正やってくれって書いてあるね