07/05/20 01:08:04 WMaMV0Ft0
Dear XXXX (相手先メディア名) editor(s),
A manager and an employee of a restaurant "Pepperlunch" (operated by Pepper Food Service Co.) in Osaka, Japan have been arrested
on suspicion of kidnapping, raping and robbing a young female customer.
According to the police, in the midnight on May 9, the two suspects, Daisuke Kitayama (the manager; "Kitayama" is a typical false name
used by Korean Japanese) and Masanobu Miyake (the employee) closed the shutters while the victim lady was still eating a dinner.
They threatened her with a "stun gun" and put her onto their car. They took her to their garage and raped her, and robbed her wallet.
The lady managed to escape by herself and asked a neighbor for a help, and the suspects were arrested.
THE MOST STRANGE THING about this is that Japanese mass-media is almost trying to avoid reporting this incident. Especially,
NHK (national broadcasting company in Japan) almomst NEVER referred to this incident in the news.
This is said to be because, the suspects have relationship with YAKUZA, Japanese mafia. Also, partly because, one of the suspects
is said to be a son of a local politician who is a member of one of the Japanese governing parties, Komeito.
It is an implicit common sense in Japan that Komeito Party is a subsidary of a religious cult, Soka Gakkai, which has big influence on
Korean Japanese society.
I'm sending this email to you, foreign news media, because in Japan there's no "journalist's conscience". Please investigate into this
case and I'm sure that you will find vast "dark-side" facts in Japanese political and economic society.
Best Regards,