07/02/03 14:34:28 KZM8srP90
593 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん 本日のレス 投稿日:2007/02/03(土) 01:04:54 yYuSap09
For the comfort women issue, Honda completely supports the insistence of Korea.
Honda passes a resolution in the new Congress calling for Japan to formally acknowledge,
apologize, and accept istorical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for sexually enslaving women
during World War II. More than 200,000 Korean women suffered gang rape, forced abortions,
and other humiliations during that time. He lost the support of Japan
because he had completely disregarded the rebuttal of Japan.
However, He is respected by the Korean. Honda was said. "
The United States justice hopes Japan promises Korea an eternal apology."
However, Honda is generous to the Japanese. He said "
The purpose of this resolution is not to bash or humiliate Japan".
Honda is believed that his own action helps Japan.