【韓国】昼夜別なくソウル中心部で活動し増加する売春婦たち・・・中には70代女性や障害者の姿も[05/24]at NEWS4PLUS
【韓国】昼夜別なくソウル中心部で活動し増加する売春婦たち・・・中には70代女性や障害者の姿も[05/24] - 暇つぶし2ch365:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
07/05/25 04:07:22 Dg8jcjM4
koreass as whole country. KFC=koreass fucking country.
To more than 100 is ... that an old woman sells himself/herself
of ...70 generations intensely

At first a "work" process of sex buying and selling women begins with search for appropriate partner. I
look around restlessly, and people crowded in search of the men who wore plausible clothes possess the circumference for the
unexpected control constantly. In addition, I put a bag of a palm on a shoulder and hold a newspaper in an end, a hand
and move here and there and turn around.

say with "which does not drink one cup of back" liquor which approached modestly if I catch sight of an object in secret. It is open and does not sometimes go for a "rest?
There are "and women to urge. It is this custom that leave for a hotel promptly after I am light, and having drunk liquor
if I think that a story knows it whether old people
like the woman whom they approached.

Certain (51. girls) gold which did dining room management in ancestral mausoleum of the Imperial Family Park
for 15 years if "look suddenly"(A sex buying and selling woman)
understand it. Say "; "a certain woman takes an old person many times on
1st, and perform it at a hotel".
When there was not distinction of the night and day, and numbers increased more and more, sighed.

Charge for service is distributed between about 3 groups. As for the woman whom an old woman older
than 60's is never concerned with age in a line of 15,000 won, and have an obstacle, business is formed for 10,000 won.

However, as for the charge for geisha's service grasped in a hand of a woman, 10,000 won are all from few 5,000
won if they subtract hotel bill 5,000 won of so-called "short time". The maximum price was a line of 30,000 won until recently, but 20,000 won are the charge for
geisha's service that only good middle-age women can take of build in "best service" these days.

Certain (66) money that there is experience of sex buying and selling with them "charge for geisha's service seems
to have largely lowered by having competed each other probably because women of sex buying and selling increased".
Assume it "; there became
"many old people who enjoyed once innumberably every week". I told with ".

A boyfriend "is not a venereal disease terrible?" To say ", asking you a question "both rise"(As for the life) I do not stay no matter how much either.
What is said to be to be worthless whether you shiver in such a thing.

As a result of having investigated 561 senior citizens of a man according to epidemic fact-finding "of Mr." ancestral mausoleum of the Imperial Family Park use w
hich Seoul City showed last year, it became clear that 15 infected syphilis. 3 of 100 old men using ancestral mausoleum of the Imperial Family Park are syphilis infectees
