07/04/28 12:03:12 i3t96PUb
【UPI】 Korean-Americans fear massacre backlash
The Rev. Dong Sun Lim, pastor of the Oriental Mission Church in Koreatown,
had a memorial service Tuesday afternoon that drew about 80 people and
said a message of condolence from South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun
wasn't enough.
> wasn't enough.
> wasn't enough.
> wasn't enough.
(・∀ ・) < もっとも、「ノムヒョンに哀悼の意や危機意識が乏しい」という
. V( )ヽ 意味じゃなくて、「まだウリたちが迫害されそうで心配ニダ」と、
< > もっと強硬に“在米韓国人の保護”を訴えろっていう、アレだが。