07/04/07 12:56:51 3Yxb1AD6
(Horvat、Comfort Womenでググると自由史観のページが引っ掛かる)
"If you look at the statements of comfort women themselves, very few are saying
that people actually came into their houses and forced them to leave," said Andrew
Horvat, a professor at Tokyo Keizai University who has written on the topic.
"But recruiters were working for the government and in that sense they were responsible
for it, and whether it was physical coercion or the use of authority and deception is
really a moot point," he added.
But as Andrew Horvat, an American professor in Japan, says, "If someone has to
provide sexual services for 20 soldiers a day, she comes home with more than just
'injuries of the heart.' She comes home sterile, infected with a stubborn STD,
and in a state of psychological trauma."