【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20]at NEWS4PLUS
【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20] - 暇つぶし2ch55:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
07/02/25 21:31:29 ivMiQM0h
NBT: During the process of Assembly Joint Resolution 27 (while in the California state
Assembly), some Japanese Americans had criticized you for your call for an apology and
redress from the Japanese government for victims of its military atrocities during
World War II. How have Japanese Americans reacted to this particular resolution?

MH: I think most people who understand the history are supportive of it. I think some
who hear the idea that Japan has formally apologized will question whether we need
this or not, without understanding the words and the sentiments and the context in
which these apologies in the past were made ? they were individual, personal regrets,
not formal government process of apologies.

NBT: Have you consulted with any other Japanese American politicians on this?

MH: I brought it before CAPAC (Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus). I didn’t
ask for support, as I did for the (Filipino American) veterans. I think it’s a matter
of conscience.

NBT: Do you think that they would not support you?

MH: I think some of them would. I don’t know if all of them would.

NBT: You’re pretty confident that it’s going to pass?

MH: It should come to the floor at the minimum, because it came to the floor last time.
Once it comes to the floor, we’ll just leave it up to the good will and the conscience
of the people who have to make the decision. I think that thoughtful people will
support it.

NBT: Why should Japanese American community members support this?

MH: Because it’s the right thing to do. Reconciliation is an action that members of
Congress on behalf of countries should urge each other to do. We have issues too, and I
acknowledge that… I think Japan’s relationships with other Asian countries will be
