【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20]at NEWS4PLUS
【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20] - 暇つぶし2ch54:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
07/02/25 21:31:05 ivMiQM0h

Rep. Honda: ‘It’s the Right Thing To Do’
From the Nichi Bei Times Weekly February 22, 2007
By KENJI G. TAGUMA Nichi Bei Times

Nichi Bei Times: Why did you decide to pursue this resolution now?

Mike Honda: Well there’s less than 300 of them left, out of 200,000 that were
victimized. So every day is a day that we lose an opportunity to get them an apology.

NBT: Ambassador Ryozo Kato has said that the resolution could adversely affect U.S.
-Japan relations…

MH: That is hogwash.

NBT: What kind of feedback, if any, have you received directly from the Japanese

MH: We told them we were going to do this, so we gave them fair warning. My staff has
met with the Embassy, I’ve met with members of the Embassy, I’ve met with their
lobbyist, and they’re all good people. But they’re wrong.

NBT: Have they attempted to change your mind in any way?

MH: Yes. They offered to extend the Asian Women’s Fund beyond March 31st if I would do
something ? I can’t remember what it was ? but I can’t. I won’t.

NBT: A vote on the last draft was blocked in September by the Republican majority. What
assures you that it will pass this time?

MH: Those who are uncomfortable with it, they may need a little time to learn more about
the history and the fact that the Japanese government says “we apologized.” ...It is
my sense that the prime ministers of the past have expressed a personal regret, but not
on behalf of the government. What that means is that the Diet has to make the formal
action of apology and then shared by the prime minister on behalf of the government,
much like Congress passed H.R. 442 that was signed by the president (which provided for
redress and reparations for Japanese Americans). That’s a clear, unequivocal apology.
