06/08/16 04:31:32 z+z/iyLN
アメリカ政府は 大麻=ゲートウェードラッグ説 を肯定
Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana
Is marijuana a gateway drug?
* YES. Among marijuana's most harmful consequences is its role in leading to the use of other
illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. Long-term studies of students who use drugs show that very
few young people use other illegal drugs without first trying marijuana. While not all people who use
marijuana go on to use other drugs, using marijuana sometimes lowers inhibitions about drug use
and exposes users to a culture that encourages use of other drugs.
* The risk of using cocaine has been estimated to be more than 104 times greater for those who
have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it.
大麻経験者のコカイン使用発展率は未使用者に対してなんと 104倍 である。