【読売新聞】 米「慰安婦決議案」、日本政府はきちんと反論を~一部全国紙の歴史捏造まで「継承」する必要はない [10/16]at NEWS4PLUS
【読売新聞】 米「慰安婦決議案」、日本政府はきちんと反論を~一部全国紙の歴史捏造まで「継承」する必要はない [10/16] - 暇つぶし2ch75:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
06/10/16 02:58:24 7cWzmeEO
The part that says “constituted authorities had occasionally been engaged
directly in the events where these women were gathered against their
will…” in so called “discourse by Chief of Cabinet Secretary, Yohei
Kono”, presented by Japanese Government in 1993, were the war crime acts
by several soldiers who were away in Indonesia and Java. Without permission
from the military headquarter, they forced Dutch female captive to work as a
prostitute for one month without her consent. Allies tried 5 soldiers and 4
civilians as war criminals, and they were capitally punished or imprisoned.
Discourse admitted the expression of regret and moral responsibilities
toward many women who were compelled to work in the sex trade with Japanese
soldiers at the battlefield under imperialism when national
self-determination and dignity were not recognized, and had received

Japanese Government recognized the “regret and will not ever repeat” that
Japan had caused suffering toward Korean people under Japanese colonial rule
of Korea, and had expressed the “apology and reflection” for people who
suffered as comfort women. And there are no changes in this feeling.

While Kim Jong-il terrorists regime in North Korea is actively expanding the
political propaganda in the UN which appeals “Japanese Government had
kidnapped 200,000 Korean women as sex slaves before war”, in trying to
evade their responsibility for kidnapping civilians, the fact that your
House Committee passed the resolution which shares almost the same
fact-acknowledgement with political propaganda by North Korea was a big
shock, and it, as a result, pleased the terrorists who tried to weaken the
bond of US-Japan alliance.

Please, to strengthen the ties of US-Japan alliance, and to strengthen the
coalition between citizens who believe in world freedom and democracy,
please do take procedures to refer to the results of investigation and
studies on Japan for example by officially interviewing the Japanese
Government and authorities.
