09/12/02 18:22:18 5TN741BR
594:名無しさん@十周年 :2009/12/02(水) 18:09:22 ID:Uuj6urWU0
Bill Hawker, who was recently given the autopsy report, told the newspaper.
“It was a horrific murder.
There was literally not a square inch of her body that wasn’t badly bruised.
「アザができていなかったのは彼女の体でわずかな面積だった」He tied her up with horticultural tape.
This is dreadful to say, but he punched, kicked or used a blunt instrument throughout her body.
This could have gone on a day and a half possibly, before the poor thing eventually died.
There was total bruising of the front of the body, defensive bruises on her arms, which were dreadfully knocked about, all of her back, the inside of her legs.
It was as if he’d systematically injured every part of her body