10/02/10 02:23:43 iHp1MzVW0
旺文社『ロイヤル英文法 改定新版』 p20 主語になる語(句)
・Through the wood is the nearest way.
・From childhood to manhood is a tedious period.
聖文新社『新訂増補 マスター英文法』 p445 前置詞句の用法 名詞句として
・After lunch is the busiest part of my day.
開拓社『改訂版 英文法総覧』 p12 主語になることのできるもの 前置詞句
・Over the fence is out.
・From here to London is no great distance.
語学春秋社『総合英文読解ゼミ』p36 O=Phrase(句)《発展》
・Between ten and twelve objected to the proposal.
研究社『英語長文読解教室 新装版』
p226-227 入試問題のpassage中
・Not long ago, 250 to 300 out of every 1000 babies born died in
infancy; now from four-fifths to nine-tenths of the babies who
used to die survive. (from - to - 部分がS)
p231 主語としての前置詞句
・From 500ft. to 600ft. is supporsed to be the depth of the crater.
・Between five and ten struck him.
研究社出版『英文法教室』p171 主語・目的語と前置詞句
・From 500ft. to 600ft. is supporsed to be the depth of the crater.
・Between five and ten struck him.