09/06/29 14:38:59 G4fqopB2
With your slow and steady pace, you’re likely to be overwhelmed by the humongous
change that’s rocked your world. No matter where you look, things are no longer
the way they once were. Recognize that it’s all as it should be, and the transformation
will be easier to navigate. Venus, your ruling planet, asks you to have faith, even though
very little makes sense yet. On Sunday Venus moves into Gemini and you’ll find that you’re
so much more adaptable than before. Make the effort to allow all the change to manifest on
its own, giving up the need to control it, and you’ll find that the effort is well worth it.
You’re already where you want to be, it’s just that certain elements of the bigger picture
need to catch up and fall into place. Patience is always one of your greatest virtues.