09/03/29 22:50:08 +Q2DqZnO
You're in the fog of the twelfth house until the 19th so don't pile on the pressure ? the health of
mind, body and spirit is your top priority, and physical check-ups and such practices as meditation
and yoga are advised. You may well be unsure where you stand with someone or where a situation is
going but rather than press people for answers, take a step back and wait for things to unfold all by
themselves ? it's time to put my favourite piece of advice into practice: if you don't know what to
do, do nothing. Mercury, the planet of travel and dialogue, heads into your sign at Easter, giving
you a little more control of the ball, and a break away could prove both happy and educational! And
with Mercury set to turn retrograde early next month it would be to your advantage to get as many
agreements rubber stamped as possible. The Mars transit of the zone of creativity and collaboration
may be inspiring you to begin new work projects and to get together with people you like or love to
bring something beautiful into being... However, with Mars opposing Saturn (5th) and conjoining
Uranus (15th) a joint venture could run into a rut in the road. If you are tempted to throw in the
towel or end a relationship then, might I suggest you give the dust a little time to settle: once
the sun is in your sign (19th) and ruler, Venus, has turned direct (17th) you'll be in a far better
position to form an opinion.