08/08/09 14:56:54 ToB+3nZU0
posted by : spiderwar
6/25/2008 3:03:41 PM
well it really only sold 21,000. they now count both discs in the sales of a double.
they didnt use to do this but had to, to make sales look better for the new retarted
media and acts over the last 15yrs. not that JP is retarded im just saying they never
used to count both and im not in favor of the reasons why they changed it.
posted by : KISSOFF 2004
6/25/2008 4:02:55 PM
Look you misinformed goof...it sold 42,000 copies.
You are getting Soundscan mixed up with the RIAA...
How many times does this have to be explained to you?
Soundscan = actual sales
Got it?
Do your homework before posting things as fact.