09/01/31 13:45:49 7WgPyhL/0
567 名前:名無しさん必死だな[] 投稿日:2009/01/30(金) 02:52:31 ID:ES8uhMVJ0
Here's the summary:
9.5 Presentation
Everything from the first entrance onto the battlefield to the last cutscene creates a hectic, fun and fast-paced thrill ride through a warzone where each step you take could be your last.
9.5 Graphics
Phenomenal visuals prove that Guerrilla either met or surpassed that infamous E3 trailer. Some technical issues hold it back from being a completely flawless masterpiece.
9.0 Sound
7.1 channel sound captures every nuance of the battlefield from gunshots to screams along with a great soundtrack. Weakly delivered, curse-filled dialogue (sans Brian Cox) could've been done better.
600 名前:朧咲∞乱 ◆/OeRZ2quxw [sage] 投稿日:2009/01/30(金) 02:56:54 ID:J3gvu3YE0