08/12/30 01:40:22 DOSxc2AC
スピットバズ The Spit Buzz
原文の説明は以下の通り 自分で読んでくれ
The Spit Buzz ~
Please define the action and importance of the Spit Buzz.
It is best to see the spit buzz in two phases. Before you make the actual attack, the tongue stops the air by touching both
lips. We call this a tongue-stop. The air is then released by a spitting action much like spitting a hair off the top of the
tongue. At the precise moment of the spit buzz the released air causes a vibration of the lips. Every time you begin a new
attack you must first stop the air with the tongue. In other words, an air-stop precedes every articulation, not just the first
of a series. Most players are trying to blow the air first. You must change this very bad habit. Blowing the air first produces
a wider, spread sound without the core, focus, and perfect pitch we are striving for.