08/08/14 22:34:01 DUZlpehm0
collection of Pocket Monsters,they were aware of the connotations the
name carried and outside of Japan refer to the characters collectively as
Pokemon.Otherwise,"Pokemon-The First Movie"may not have had the
phenomenal success that saw it become the first Japanese flick to top the
U.S.box office in Novenber last year.
"We knew that decided to keep the Pokemon team that Japanese kids had
been using when we came up with the title of the film,"says a spokesman
for Nintendo,the company that developed Poket Monsters.
Shogakukan Production License,which produces the Pokemon trading
cards some American kids are coming to blous over because of their seareity,
adopts asimitar line.
"Talk,of the slang meaning of[Pocket Monsters]was a topic of discussion
even before the movie opened in the United States.For the same reasons
as Nintendo,we decided on [using the Pokemon term] to avoid any
further damage to the image of what is a children's character,"a conpany
spokesman says.
Perhaps it was just as well that Nintendo and Shogakukan decided on
such a course of action.
"If the American release of the movie had been titled 'Pocket Monster,'
the whole of the United States would be in fits of laughter,"a woman who
grew up outside of Japan says.
Takarajima,houever,notes that despite the attempts at shielding foreigners
from learning that Japanese refer to the cartoon characters as Pocket
Monsters,the Pokemon approach hasn't been entirely successful.
"Rven before the movie came out.Americans in Japan were getting a
laugh out of Pocket Monsters.They'd go around thrusting out their groins
and saying:'Hey,have a look at my Pocket Monster,'"celebrity Dave
Spector says,"American comedians are referring to Pocket Monsters in
their jokes,too."