08/04/12 10:15:47 0
突した際、「freedom for Tibet」のメンバーらは旗を振りながら、
“Torture in Japan, torture in China, human rights in Tibet, free Tibet now.”
と叫んでワシントン通りを海岸通りに向かって行進していったとThe Press Democrat紙
<SF torch relay: The great surprise>
SAN FRANCISCO ? It was a day of conflict and confusion, with angry
clashes between protesters and a last-minute change Wednesday in the
route of the Olympic torch relay that left thousands awaiting a spectacle
that never arrived.
Protesters set the tone early for the chaotic day as two large groups of
pro-Tibet and pro-China protesters collided on The Embarcadero at
about 9:30 a.m.
Flag-waving supporters of freedom for Tibet marched across Washington
Street toward the waterfront shouting “Torture in Japan, torture in China,
human rights in Tibet, free Tibet now.” (以下略)
★1 04/11 17:38 前★4 スレリンク(newsplus板)