08/03/26 06:44:52 JvXzkvDU0
URLリンク(www.innatenonviolence.org) → 下
>Interreligious And International Federation For World Peace
>This is organising a conference on the topic 'Character, Family and Public Service:・・・
>The founder of this body is the Rev Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church (colloquially known as 'Moonies')
>which would usually be seen as politically reactionary.
>For this reason INNATE could not recommend participation but it's up to you. IIFWP, ・・・
>Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon had invited a group from each nation
>that had participated in the United Nations forces effort to defend South Korea between 1950 – 53.
左下 IIFWP Austria → URLリンク(www.weltfriede.at)
左 Friedensprojekte → URLリンク(www.weltfriede.at)
上 Links → URLリンク(www.weltfriede.at)
上 International → URLリンク(upf.org) ( URLリンク(www.iifwp.org) )
Service Partners : URLリンク(upf.org)
Peace Links : URLリンク(upf.org)
UPF Affiliate Organizations : URLリンク(upf.org)
ついでに www.weltfriede.at/A06.htm の amnesty international Osterreich も
右 links → Internationale Organisationen → URLリンク(www.amnesty.at)
右 partnerInnen → URLリンク(www.amnesty.at)