07/12/27 02:50:40 BE:2736656-PLT(80260)
79-san posted today the following URI in bbspink in Japanese.
He/she said,
"I had plans to deceive Jim-san about the situation of bbspink."
I am not sure what she talked about,
but I can not accept in such his/her mind.
So Jim-san, you are an owner of bbspink.
Of course you should have to know all happens in bbspink clearly and correctly.
And I posted in the following URI in Japanese, with a little bit upset mind.
"Do you think who is the owner in here?
Are you a fool?
You deceive the owner and what did you intend to do?
You have deceived not only Hiroyuki that also Jim-san.
I can't believe you anymore."
PINKちゃんねる規制について考えてみるスレ 2