09/02/23 19:16:06 pRPWw2hY
1:07lizzi_:japanese one
1:07dragnet21:sank you
1:07leon12542:lmao dias
1:07jazzy_lu:lol I love it
1:07obamaiswhitee:LEARN to speak english stupid japanese
1:08oapples:berry berry hhhhaaaavpy
1:08yorzh:sank u
1:08kaylie30:I told u not to pay attention to him
1:08moodsofnorway:VELY, VELY HAPPY...HAHA - SO CUTE!
1:08dias_vld:obama really wants to be the man of the night...but for the worst reasons
1:08pangef:learn to speak japanese you stupid ***
1:08oapples:this was fun
1:08an1sa:just ignore the dude
1:08bluephoenix88:and you learn to think before speaking
1:08el_1337:sank u
1:08oapples:not and ad again
1:08welsh_writer:Obama is a fuckwit who has no balls and can't get laid
1:08oapples:no no no no no no
1:08buze:why do they japs always seem a little mentally impaired
1:08theguitarfreakk:what did he say?
1:08oapples:no adds
1:08kaylie30:bery bery hapy
1:08dragnet21:dev patel heeeeell yeeeeeah