【速報】プーチン「テロはイスラム国による犯行だと認めてやるよ。しかし背後には西側諸国やウクライナがいるはず!」 [483862913]at POVERTY
【速報】プーチン「テロはイスラム国による犯行だと認めてやるよ。しかし背後には西側諸国やウクライナがいるはず!」 [483862913] - 暇つぶし2ch82:安倍晋三 ◇abeshinzo
24/03/26 08:33:37.43 tosKQamo0.net
The head of the SBU told the details of the assassination attempts on Kiva, Tatarsky and Prilepin.
March 25, 2024
The head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasily Malyuk told the details of the assassination attempts on ex-People's Deputy Ilya Kiva, blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, writer Zakhar Prilepin and ex-LPR officials.
The head of the Ukrainian special service made a corresponding statement during the telethon.
At the same time, Malyuk said that the SBU would not officially take responsibility for these operations. But he made it clear that the Ukrainian special service did it.
According to Vasyly Malyuk:
・ex-people's deputy Ilya Kiva was killed by a 9×19 mm bullet, there was also a control bullet in the head;
blogger Vladlen Tatarsky is killed with a bust filled with explosives . At the same time, Malyuk stated that Tatarsky introduced the practice of raping Ukrainian prisoners. “He introduced such an underground, prison subculture, organizing the rape of Ukrainian prisoners. He responded karmically for this,” said Malyuk;
・writer Zakhar Prilepin exploded in a car on an anti-tank mine , remained alive, but “his pelvis, legs were very injured, and he was left without genitals”
・Prosecutor General of the “LPR” Sergei Gorenko was liquidated in his own office : “For a long time they thought that a rocket flew into the window, there were 800 grams of plastic”
・The Minister of Internal Affairs of the "LPR" Igor Kornet came in to shave, but there he was "gotten" by explosives. He survived, but now has a serious disability .
Let us recall
that back in September last year, the Russian Federation announced that it had established the identities of the perpetrators and customers of high-profile crimes , including the murder of journalists Daria Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin),
but then the Russian Security Council did not provide details.
And in January of this year, we wrote that Daria Trepova was given 27 years for undermining blogger Tatarsky . This is the most severe sentence against a woman in Russian history.
