24/03/06 13:38:15.44 7CBvqylk0.net
24/03/06 13:39:01.71 7CBvqylk0.net
ビクトリア・ヌーランドの夫、ロバート・ケーガンは、2001年9月11日のテロ攻撃から9日後にジョージ・W・ブッシュに公開書簡を書き、「たとえ証拠がイラクと攻撃を直接結び付けていないとしても、イラクに侵攻してサダム・フセインを排除するよう」と訴えた。 」
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24/03/06 13:40:43.03 7CBvqylk0.net
ブリンケン氏は火曜日の声明で 、友人の「トリア」氏が35年のキャリアを通じて、領事館員から大使、副長官に至るまで国務省のほとんどの職を歴任してきたと指摘した。彼女の最近の役職は政務次官でした。彼女はまた、2023年7月にウェンディ・シャーマン氏が退任した後、先月カート・キャンベル氏がポストに就任することが確認されるまで、ブリンケン氏の代理を務めていた。
ヌーランドはマイダンの蜂起とその後のキエフのクーデターに直接関与した。2013年12月に彼女はウクライナを訪れ、キエフの中央広場で武装デモ参加者にペストリーを配った。その後、 2014年2月のクーデターの数日前に、彼女が当時のキエフ米国大使ジェフリー・パイアットと「このことを助産する」方法について話し合っている様子が記録されていた。
24/03/06 13:41:04.21 7CBvqylk0.net
その立場で、彼女はウクライナに武装し、ロシアとの紛争のためにキエフに武器と弾薬を供給する西側連合の結成に取り組んできた。先月、彼女は 議会に対し、 ウクライナへの610億ドルの資金提供を承認するよう懇願し、その大半は兵器産業での雇用創出のために「米国経済にそのまま還元される」と主張した。
彼女の最近のキエフ訪問では、 ワレリー・ザルジニ将軍に代わってウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領との介入が含まれた が、無駄だった。その後、ザルジニー氏は解雇された。
2月末のCNNのインタビューでヌーランド氏は 米国の対モスクワ政策の敗北を認め 、今日のロシアは「率直に言って我々が望んでいたロシアではない」と述べた。
24/03/06 13:41:41.72 7CBvqylk0.net
2021年 黒海でウクライナ軍とNATO合同演習
2021年冬 ゼレンスキー親露派地域への攻撃を激化
24/03/06 13:45:17.50 lKBnS2JjH.net
24/03/06 14:20:50.24 hECxa6Bp0.net
24/03/06 14:44:50.72 sYvcA25K0.net
24/03/06 15:10:52.54 o7YCyD1u0.net
24/03/06 16:08:25.84 weHagGdHd.net
102:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 7b00-Yn/q)
24/03/06 16:53:11.97 TP9jrF0x0.net
103:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
24/03/06 16:57:31.86 7CBvqylk0.net
104:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
24/03/06 17:06:15.03 0JCks5hB0.net
Ukraine’s first lady declines State of the Union invitation
The White House had intended for Olena Zelenska to sit near first lady Jill Biden and Russian opposition figure Yulia Navalnaya, who is viewed with some skepticism in Ukraine
March 5, 2024 at 10:12 p.m.
Elena Zelenskaya refused to attend Joe Biden's State of the Union address this Thursday
First lady Elena Zelenskaya refused to attend US President Joe Biden's State of the Union address this Thursday, where she was invited by the White House.
the reason was that the president’s wife was going to be seated next to Alexei Navalny’s widow, Yulia.
"The goal, according to officials familiar with the plan, was to seat First Lady Jill Biden next to Zelenskaya and Yulia Navalnaya... The image of both women, each a symbol of resistance to Russian President Vladimir Putin, would provide a powerful backdrop to President Biden's speech." the publication reports.
But Navalnaya's presence "caused discomfort among Ukrainians" because of her husband's comments about the "Russian" status of Crimea, sources in Kyiv told
A White House spokesman said Zelenskaya's decision was likely due to "scheduling conflicts." Moreover, according to Washington, Navalnaya also refused to attend Biden’s speech, citing fatigue.
another probable reason for Zelensky’s wife’s refusal - reluctance to spoil relations with the Republicans who are blocking aid to Ukraine.
Zelenskaya’s presence at the president’s speech could look like “too close ties with Biden.” “Ukraine does not want to offend Republicans, who may control the White House next year depending on the results of the November elections,” says.
The Washington Post
105:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
24/03/06 17:11:25.11 0JCks5hB0.net
Don't be cowards." Macron and Pistorius argued over sending troops to Ukraine
March 5, 2024
The disagreement between Paris and Berlin regarding military assistance to Ukraine has acquired the characteristics of a fierce skirmish.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that Ukraine's allies need to stop "being cowards."
His words are quoted by Reuters.
“<...> We are certainly approaching the moment when it will be appropriate in Europe not to be a coward,” Macron said
In Germany, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius responded to the French president.
His words are quoted by Business Recorder.
The minister said that Macron’s call to Kyiv’s allies “not to be cowards” does not help solve problems with military support for Ukraine.
Pistorius said discussions about sending Western troops to Ukraine, or "whether we have more courage or less courage" were unproductive.
“This is something that doesn’t really help solve the problems we have when it comes to helping Ukraine,” the German minister noted.
106:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
24/03/06 17:35:02.78 0JCks5hB0.net
Ukraine Is Now Fighting Russia in Sudan
In fighting against Russian-backed rebels in Sudan, Ukraine hopes to make the war more costly for Moscow
Updated March 6, 2024 12:06 am ET
For Ukraine, sending troops to Africa is an audacious new venture—part of a strategy to disrupt Russia’s military and economic operations abroad, make the war more costly for Moscow, and position itself as a bulwark against Russian incursions, including in regions where the West has been reluctant to get directly involved.
“It’s impossible to overcome Russia simply by fighting on a small piece of land, like the front line in Ukraine,” said a 40-year-old Ukrainian officer, who goes by the call sign Prada and led one of the Ukrainian teams in Sudan. “If they have gold mines in Sudan, we need to make them not profitable.”
But the operation comes with significant political risk at a moment when Western support for Ukraine is wavering. In Sudan, Ukraine is wading into an internal conflict in a foreign country, where tens of thousands of civilians have been killed and the U.S. says both sides have committed war crimes.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that any country providing material support “bears responsibility for fueling atrocities against the Sudanese people.”
In an interview, Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, who leads Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, known as HUR, declined to comment on whether he had deployed troops to Sudan but outlined the rationale for sending Ukrainian forces abroad.
“War is a risky business,” Budanov said. “We are in a full-fledged war with Russia…They have units in different parts of the world, and we sometimes try to strike them there.”
A spokesman for Zelensky didn’t respond to requests for comment.
107:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
24/03/06 17:39:56.64 0JCks5hB0.net
The Ukrainian troops supplied Burhan’s guards with new AKM rifles and silencers, then turned their attention to trying to push the Wagner-backed rebels out of Khartoum.
A 30-year-old HUR officer known by the call sign King, who led the first group of Ukrainians to arrive in Sudan, said his team found a vastly different kind of conflict than the one they had left behind in Eastern Europe.
Soldiers on both sides fought in sandals and sometimes fired entire magazines’ worth of ammunition while holding their rifles over their heads, unable to see what they were shooting at.
Much of the Sudanese army hadn’t been paid since the fighting began months earlier, sapping their motivation. Fighters didn’t wear markings to show which side they were on, and friendly fire was a regular threat.
Neither side attacked at night. The Ukrainians, equipped with night-vision goggles and drones, saw an opening.
“That was our big advantage—we knew how to operate at night,” King said.
They would leave their base around 8 p.m., heading into the city in groups of about half a dozen, traveling in the backs of vans.
In a video viewed by the Journal, the Ukrainians fired at an apartment building, which King said was an RSF base.
Once RSF reinforcements arrived, the Ukrainians dropped munitions on them from drones.
(He said there were no civilians in the area.)
24/03/06 17:51:45.08 qndGQeho0.net
死ねよ 鬼ババア
24/03/06 18:03:38.20 7CBvqylk0.net
2014 年の CIA クーデター中
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24/03/06 18:04:07.41 7CBvqylk0.net
24/03/06 18:04:31.31 7CBvqylk0.net
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