000001☆好きな現役柔道家at JYUDO
000001☆好きな現役柔道家 - 暇つぶし2ch45:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。
10/09/14 19:06:10 NajuseZq.net
I would not comment here because I thought it was clear to me the one who won this fight.
But then some people and Riner himself think otherwise.
There was only one person doing Judo in this fight, the other was trying to out-muscle him
and abuse the current Judo system to try to win by imposing penalties.
The Japanese guy had really many opportunities to get a real throw. He almost throw Riner by
uchimata (2x), harai-tsuri-komi-ashi (1x) and sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (2x). Riner was, most of
the time trying to bring the Japanese guy head down, by forcing it bellow... I was really happy
to see the judges not falling pray to this unjudo-like tactic, because I'm tired to see fights
where one guy is actually trying to throw and the other is actually trying to out-muscle him
only to have the one seeking Judo being penalized in the end by a false attack or passivity
because judges simply can't identify Judo anymore.

Riner tried the same thing from beginning to end: get the over the back grip and try some form
of o-soto-gari/harai-makikomi-hybrid... It it was randori I would yell to him to stop doing that
and start doing Judo, but at a competitive scenario, if that was working, I would have no problem
accepting it as a valid tactic to win, but that was not actually working, and, IMHO, it was being
used defensively to avoid letting the Japanese secure the opportunity for a harder throw

Nonetheless, I was impressed with this Japenese guy I didn't know to have been able to make
Riner move, despite the overwhelming gripping tactics he was being subject too.

I think some people here would like to see the Japanese guy being penalized when Riner simply
over-gripped him and left him without many options... If shido was applied as quick as it is
sometimes, the real winner of this match would have been denied its legitimate victory.

The Japanese was certainly not avoiding doing Judo. He was trying to make Riner move with
finesse, with many small ashi-waza attempts, while Riner was trying to simply stop him still
by sheer strength. I can't see why anyone would favor Riner over the Japanese in this fight,
but everyone is entitled its own opinion...
