白人女性を妊娠させて日本人の子供産ませたい3at WORLD
白人女性を妊娠させて日本人の子供産ませたい3 - 暇つぶし2ch520:名無しさん
08/04/08 21:40:06 MWdXC7Xs
Japanese men and gaijin women

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-08 14:01 ID:08kye7Gm [Del]
Why is this concept so difficult? If you're a foriegn man in Japan you're hot stuff,
even if the women in your home country turned their noses up at you (not that there aren't tons of great guys too,
but I've seen plenty of "she's with him WHY?") Why do women have such a hard time getting a serious relationship in Japan,
and more importantly, what to do about it?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 13:32 ID:08kye7Gm [Del]
I hate being alone in Japan. All the western men want are Japanese girls, and all the Japanese guys are either oblivious or...whatever.
Sometimes I think they're shy. Then when you break the ice and start dating them they get freaked out when it gets serious.
Nobody wants to marry Miss Gaijin TAT

85 Name: Canada Girl : 2006-12-13 05:30 ID:ZSxVEUwM [Del]
I just read this whole thread....I'm a Canadian girl who spent a year in Japan.
Japanese guys really didn't hit on me, and when they did- they were 10 or 15 years older which creeped me out.
I do however have a strong lust for Japanese men and a fascination with all things Japan. I am desperate to go back, to date Japanese men,
and Yeah, I can actually speak Japanese.

THEY DONT WANT US, not the other way around.

and I am a clean, slim girl. The only reason I can think of is that my breasts are just too large for them.

97 Name: pen : 2007-03-27 02:39 ID:G02LHN5f [Del]
out of curiosity, what physical qualities to Japanese men find attractive in foreign women, as opposed to what foreign men think?
i wonder what the difference between the standards of beauty are..
