08/02/07 22:29:05 ElqxAxdO0
経口C型肝炎プロテアーゼ阻害剤 telaprevir(VX-950/MP-424)2008年3月より第3相治験募集
に、 telaprevir(VX-950/ 国内名 MP-424)の世界一斉Phase 3治験募集の情報が、2008年
1月23日発表の Vertex社のアナウンスとして記載されています。以下に一部引用をしま
未治療のC型肝炎の患者を対象にPhase 3 の臨床試験の募集が行われるようです。
On January 23, 2008, Vertex announced that they will begin recruitment into a phase III clinical
trial in March 2008. The trial will be conducted in about 100 centers in the U.S., Europe and certain
other countries. The study will enroll approximately 1050 HCV genotype 1 treatment naive patients.
There will be 3 treatment arms comparing telaprevir in combination with pegylated interferon plus
ribavirin for a treatment duration of 24 weeks. The control arm will be patients treated with pegylated
interferon plus ribavirin for 48 weeks (current standard of care). This is the pivotal Phase III study that
will be used to apply for FDA marketing approval, which Vertex expects to seek in late 2010. In addition
there will be various other studies that will be conducted in the United States and Europe.